
Monday, May 21, 2012

Karma or Revenge?

When you feel like what you are doing is giving the person "getting their Karma" coming back on them. But since you are the one doing it or setting it up. Doesn't that mean now Karma is gonna come back on you? When does the Karma cycle stop? Karma is supposed to be a natural occurence where one gets (by nature, the laws of gravity, etc.) what they deserve. What they do wrong will come back on them. Karma. However, sometimes when you do something to that person or persons, which they deserve, which you think is Karma. Is really revenge. Not Karma. Karma comes naturally. Although, really in our heads we want to think it is Karma. Karma does not come from us sticking it to someone it comes from "What goes around comes around". As much as we think what we are doing is giving them their Karma. It is us making ourselves believe what we are doing is ok. You can not control Karma and if you try to give someone Karma, you are no better then them and will get Karma back on you. So in closing, trying to give someone what we think is "Karma" is actually "Revenge" not Karma. Karma will come naturally. Which is actually better because you can sit back and laugh and keep your hands clean. :) Till the next time. God Bless and Many Blessings to All.

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